Above & Beyond Care. Trusted & Customized to You.


What to Expect

To speed up your registration process we suggest you bring the following items with you for your visit at our facility:

  • A list of all medications you are currently taking.
  • Insurance cards and information.
  • Advance Directive, if you have one.
  • If you do not have an Advance Directive but would like to create one, our staff will assist you.

We encourage patients to leave items of value at home, such as money, watches, and jewelry. If you do bring a valuable item, it may be deposited in the safe in our Business Office. Cumberland Healthcare is not responsible for lost items of value that were not deposited into the hospital safe. 

The hospital has access to interpreters for some foreign languages and sign language. Please ask for assistance if you require these services.

What to expect when you visit Cumberland Healthcare Video